Think Local
Creating a distinctive identity for a common idea
Think Local is a campaign we developed for our pro bono client, the Seattle Good Business Network, a non-profit that develops programs to strengthen local economies.
Local is a pretty familiar word nowadays. Perhaps even overused. But we knew that trying to slap a new brand on an established idea would be costly, time-consuming and possibly confusing. Our goal was to create a popular movement—something clear and inclusive that people and businesses could join in together. So we simply called the campaign, “Think Local”.
This phrase was already well-known and loved. That’s the beauty of it. However it also meant we needed a very bold identity to be distinctive. Our approach combined bright color with ecclectic typography to reflect the vitality of independent businesses.
But there’s another twist.
We designed the identity to be a flexible system—modified around the word “Local”. The name itself can change to display different messages at different times. Eat Local. Drink Local. Shop Local. Gift Local. Whatever-you-need-to-say Local.
This makes the campaign customizable. It can be tailored for a specific industry or occasion to focus the the message. And when seen as a whole, the system communicates the many dimensions of what “local” means.
The overall purpose of the campaign is to connect people with local, independently-owned businesses, through a series of community events, retail promotions, paid media advertising and a searchable website directory that features member businesses.
"Partly Sunny’s solution of a flexible brand system was both clever and strategic. It helped raise the profile of Think Local considerably while allowing us to promote a variety of campaigns with continuity. The strength of this identity has made our work so much easier and more effective."
Christine Hanna, Director of Seattle Good Business Network